
Liberate yourself from fear and Embody
the fully expressed truth of your design

while being celebrated in your light, and stood for in your dark.


(we hold one
every month)!


It’s time for you to receive at the same capacity that you give.

You know that YOUR COMMUNITY exists, the ones who completely
up-level your definition of trust, inspiration, and belonging
…but you have yet to find them.

You know that the full expression of your gifts & your design is SO IMPORTANT for the planet to receive
…but you run into roadblocks within yourself—doubt, fear, and uncertainty—and you are ready to shed these old stories.

You’re a deep feeler who gives so much to those around you
…but you aren’t the best at receiving, which means you often feel burnt out.

You crave depth and connection because you are DEEP and CONNECTED to the truth
…but you are continuously left feeling unmet.

You have a deep desire to heal—not just for yourself, but for generations before and after you
…but you often feel like the load is too heavy to bear alone.

We see you, sister.

This is your initiation

and all of you is welcome here.

The Dojo Initiation houses an ecosystem of ceremonial and deeply transformational containers that serve to support and amplify the evolution of the soul, the heart, the body, and the mind through masterful facilitation, true sisterhood, Ceremony, intuitive guidance, and love. These containers work in collaboration with the emergent field that is the curriculum of your life, in order to inform where support is needed most for each individual participant. Each part of the ecosystem has been designed and refined in direct reflection to and in service of the true needs and desires of the actual women who have journeyed through it. It is a living, evolving field that will meet you exactly where you are and support your truest expansion from there.

This is an initiatory field, which means that the you who lives on the other side will not be the same as the you who entered. “What the caterpillar calls the end, the butterfly calls the beginning”. This is a space where the art of liberation and expansion through love and sisterhood becomes a life practice. Here, you will connect so deeply to your purpose for being alive that you become willing to undergo the micro-death of any parts that have been obstructing the full expression of your design

When you are deeply connected to your purpose in this way, everything becomes wildly synchronistic and all of life begins to open up to support you in doing the “heavy lifting”.

We stand for you as you die to who you are not, so you can live
the truth of who you really ARE.


I had walked myself through a lot of fires and when Zahara jumped out at me through the ether, there was a soul recognition that I needed to be in her sphere.

I have shifted more in the last few months than I have in years.

The love that Zahara embodies, the energy is so penetrating and so big. I know that everything Zahara says to me, every word that she speaks is true and I appreciate that so much.

-Adeenah Hammer

There’s a lot of healers around and in this work but Zahara just blows it out of the park. There are people in their 50s that haven’t grasped the caliber of integrity that she is at.

-Dorian Drislane

I cannot even begin to describe how different I am today and how different my life is today.

-Erica Dean

I’ve known since that very first call that she will be one of the most impactful and influential teachers of my lifetime.

-April Rodriguez

Her ability to sense where in the spiritual body, the emotional body, and the physical body attention needed to be directed for healing was impeccable. I’ve never seen or felt anything like it.

-Naia Kete

Leadership is reminding everyone that they are a leader and Zahara does that in such a beautiful way. It’s incredible!

-Monica Adams

I feel like I received a healing that I have been waiting my whole life for.

-Devon Dennis

If there’s anyone in this life who has called me forward to step into my higher self, it’s Zahara and I’m so grateful for that.

-Raquel Barrantes

The way that she holds all of us and the way that she holds herself. She just gives us permission to feel.

-Naia Kete

The tools you have taught me I will never forget. They are a fingerprint on the very soul of who I am. I will spend the rest of my life letting you know how incredible you are what you’ve done for me.

-Desi Valentine

The space that Zahara held in there was electric, deep, potent and magical… I feel like I get to do my life’s work because of the healing that I experienced. The ripple effects that I’m gonna do in the world are really gonna be from this catalyst.

-Devon Dennis

Who I am in this moment today, I was not yesterday. For years, Zahara has been calling me forward and as I’ve gone through my own process and trying to hide behind my own shadow, Zahara has always been like ‘Sister, I see you. I have a space for you at my table.’ And I’m so grateful for that because I never had a table to sit on.

-Raquel Barrantes

Created by sisters for sisters

Zahara Zimring and Naia Kete met in 2019 when Naia joined the very first cohort of The Dojo Immersed. After years of devotion and being WOWed by the creative potency of this living field, Zahara and Naia chose to join forces in 2024 to build the next evolution of The Dojo Ecosystem: The Dojo Initiation.

Their partnership is paving the way for an unprecedented level of access to the magic of this field via The Dojo Woman Collective Membership. This space allows women from all over the world to weave in at any time in order to receive and contribute their special brands of genius to the living field.

Zahara and Naia believe that the potency of the Dojo Field is created through the integrity and embodiment of the women who hold it and operate within it. Their devotion to serving this field lives alongside the fully initiated women of The Dojo Council who also serve as the facilitation team.

As DOJO WOMEN, our devotion is to walk with unwavering love, to stay the course, to embody fierce integrity, and to stay in the deep listening in order to nurture all parts of this ecosystem to ensure it is growing healthily from deep roots and foundations of both love and liberation. We are here to grow at the pace that is TRUE and serves the whole.

Through a combination of self-development and sister development, The Dojo Initiation inherently gives women and men the opportunity to receive their own gifts and medicine through the connection to self and one another.

Enter the

  • liberation-dojo
  • dojo-ritual-concert
  • dojo-retreats

The Dojo Woman


an epic, unapologetic, artistic, and fully-expressed woman who embodies the persistent, resilient spirit of a warrior; fearlessly EXPANDING INTO GREATER AWARENESS AND LOVE by exploring the far reaches of her energetic, spiritual, and emotional capacities with the aim of embodying her greatest expression and truest design in service of self, purpose, planet, and sister.

  • She is relentlessly devoted to discovering deeper layers of what it is she would be willing to die for so that she can truly LIVE.
  • She embraces women in their vulnerable process because she knows how to treat herself the same way in her own. She deeply celebrates women in their power because she knows her own power at the deepest level.
  • She is devoted to receiving and sharing her gifts and her medicine.
  • Because of the depth and magnitude of her connection to herself and her purpose, she discerns between what is a conditioned truth and a remembered truth.
  • She embraces and expresses the raw, authentic, realness of what it means to be a woman, in HER BODY, on the planet at this time.
  • She shows up. She stays the course. She names it when she is triggered and is willing to lean into repair when a rupture occurs.
  • SHE HAS RANGE. If you’re a Dojo woman, you know what that means.